Valve instruments



The working principle of thermocouples such as WIKA ashcroft

The working principle of thermocouples such as WIKA ashcroft

The working principle of a thermocouple is that two conductors with different compositions are welded at both ends to form a circuit. The direct temperature measurement end is called the measurement end, and the wiring terminal end is called the reference end. When there is a temperature difference between the measurement end and the reference end, thermal current will be generated in the circuit. When connected to a display instrument, the instrument will indicate the temperature value of the thermocouple and the corresponding thermoelectric electromotive force

热电偶类别 代号 分度号 测量范围℃ 允许偏差△t ℃
铂铑30-铂铑6 WRR B 0~800 ±1.5℃或±0.25%│t│
铂铑10-铂 WRP S 0~1600 ±1.5℃或±0.25%│t│
镍铬-镍硅 WRN K 0~1300 ±2.5℃或±0.75%│t│
镍铬-铜镍 WRE E 0~800 ±2.5℃或±0.75%│t│
